

The Environment Club of the Catholic University of Central Africa (UCAC) organized its third ecological week from March 20 to 25, 2023 in Yaoundé (Cameroon). That initiative which is part of the commitments to raise awareness for the safeguarding of our Common Home was guided by the theme “ecological conversion.” Various activities were organized and were inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’.

The Environment Club of UCAC often organizes various activities to raise awareness on the importance of caring for our environment. In a special way, the week of March 20 to 25 was of paramount importance as we annually commemorate the International Day of Forests, on March 21 and the International Water Day on March 22. During the week, both university students and staff were mobilized and gathered in order to build together the collective consciousness about the necessity to act together for the safeguard of our environment.

Acting together for our common home through concrete gestures.

This third edition of the ecological week was solemnly opened by the mass officiated by the Vice-Rector of UCAC, Rev. Father Epiphane KINHOUN. In his homily, the celebrant underlined that “we remain very determined to continue this initiative, following the Holy Father, in what he calls the safeguarding of our common home.” That liturgical event officially launched the ecological week and set us on the path of « ecological conversion ».

Besides the mass, a conference, an ecological walk called « eco-jogging » and a « green quarter of an hour » were organized.  In a special way, the « green quarter of an hour », an activity consisting of taking a concrete action that challenges the other students to safeguard the common house was well appreciated. It helped many commit themselves to reforestation and the cleanliness of our environment.

It must be said that our ecological week was an opportunity for us as university institution to educate the students and personnel on small gestures, making them « eco-citizens » in order to team-up and clean-up their environment.

Service learning to train ambassadors for ecology.

To effectively meet these objectives, the Environment Club intends to rely on the pedagogy of Service-Learning. This pedagogy, as the vice-rector explained in the opening mass, is a pedagogy that emphasizes « learning through service. » It is a « training, which advocates the concrete commitment of students in their living environment.” Thus, we reiterate our commitment to training young people capable of being ambassadors for the protection of our common home everywhere they go.

Chairman of the Environment Club – UCAC


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